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Stormwater Infrastructure Taskforce Bill Passes House

On July 16, the House passed HR 3906, the Innovative Stormwater Infrastructure Act of 2017, a bill introduced by Rep. Denny Heck (R-WA), by voice vote.  This is legislative language that the Water Environment Federation (WEF) and the National Municipal Stormwater Association (NMSA), as part of their partnership in the WEF Stormwater Institute, supported and advocated for, which would create a task force that would look for ways to fund our nation’s stormwater infrastructure needs.  Read more.

Calendar Photo Submissions—Who's Will Be Included?

These are looking pretty good...we need your entries too!

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PNCWA Seeks Leadership Nominations

Nominations are open through Aug 3, 2018.

Be one of the volunteer Board of Directors who lead and govern PNCWA.
PNCWA Vice President
PNCWA Secretary

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WEF Disinfection and Reuse Symposium Portland July 29-31


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2018 Oregon Operators Conference Early Bird Registration Ends July 26

Oregon Operators Conference Aug 14-16 Canyonville OR

Tuesday, August 14, 2018, 8:00 AM to Thursday, August 16, 2018, 5:00 PM PDT

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Leadership Development Webinar Wraps up Series

PNCWA Webinar: Leadership Development—Find The Leader Within You Webinar #3,
July 9, 11:00 AM Pacific
Leadership Development—Find The Leader Within You Webinar #3: In the third and final webinar in the leadership certificate program, we will examine practices 4 and 5 of the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership®. Amy Dammarell will present Practice 4, “Enabling Others to Act” and Michael Comeskey will present Practice 5, “Encourage the Heart”.
The webinar is no cost for individuals who attended a Leadership Workshop at a PNCWA annual conference, all PNCWA members, all PNCWA section members, and all WEF-UPP organization employees.

.1 CEUs requested
1 PDHs available.
The webinars are based on “The Leadership Challenge”, by James Kouzes and Barry Posner.
  • The webinar series covers the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® as outlined in the book.  Webinar #1 examined the first practice, “Model the Way”.  Webinar #2 looked at “Inspire a Shared Vision”, the second practice, and “Challenge the Process”, the third practice.  Webinar #3 will review the fourth and fifth practices, “Enable Others to Act” and “Encourage the Heart”.
  • The Leadership Development Committee’s purpose is to “increase the quality and supply of leaders in the Association, our utilities and businesses, and in our larger community.  The LDC looks for opportunities to help leaders develop and provide lessons-learned and best practices specific to our industry.

First Entry from the Call for Photos for the Calendar Is In!

Pictured are Jeremy Morris (L) and Joe Miller (R) from the City of Washougal along with a 13ft, 200lb root from a nearby street-tree removed from a manhole at Washougal River Road & A Street in Washougal, WA. The root was discovered during a routine manhole inspection. Staff credited for removal are: Wastewater Collections Lead, Joe Miller, Wastewater Collections Staff, Jeremy Morris and WWTP Lead, Trever Munsch.
Photo Requirements: 
  • The types of photos we are looking for include PNW water professionals in the office or in the field, PNW water professionals participating in water-related community programs, wastewater facilities, pump/lift stations, stormwater infrastructure, collection systems, etc. Be creative, be silly, be yourself. This calendar is intended to be a celebration of our industry and the work we all do as professionals protecting our most important resource: water! 
  • The photo must show water quality infrastructure and/or people from the Pacific Northwest
  • Also, the photo must be owned with no copyrights attached or where permission can be granted to PNCWA.
  • The photo must be digital and a printable quality of at least 300 dpi.
How to Submit:  
  • Use this form: Photo Submission form  and include a  caption for each photograph, describing who, what, and where 
When to Submit: 
  • Submissions are due by Aug 15, 2018.
For any additional questions, contact Brittany Burch

Just do it? Award Nominations Needed!

WEF-PNCWA Awards nominations are now being accepted,

Each year the PNCWA and its membership gather to celebrate achievements in and service to the Water Quality field.

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PNCWA2018 Gets Its Own Website

PNCWA2018 is now at

The PNCWA Annual Conferences and Exhibitions have grown so much...more people, more exhibitors, more pretensions, and you guessed it, more information...that we have transitioned PNCWA2018 to its own website:

Call for Photos for the 2019 PNCWA Calendar

Back by popular demand, the PNCWA Member Services Committee is creating a calendar for 2019 which we will distribute at the PNCWA Annual Conference this fall. 

We put together amazing calendars for 2017 and for 2018 and we want to do it again. As a family of outstanding professionals who work hard to protect the environment and recover our resources, PNCWA wants to highlight the people, projects, and facilities that show the best of our industry in the Pacific Northwest.
Read on for your chance to be in the 2019 PNCWA Calendar!
Photo Requirements: 
  • The types of photos we are looking for include PNW water professionals in the office or in the field, PNW water professionals participating in water-related community programs, wastewater facilities, pump/lift stations, stormwater infrastructure, collection systems, etc. Be creative, be silly, be yourself. This calendar is intended to be a celebration of our industry and the work we all do as professionals protecting our most important resource: water! 
  • The photo must show water quality infrastructure and/or people from the Pacific Northwest
  • Also, the photo must be owned with no copyrights attached or where permission can be granted to PNCWA.
  • The photo must be digital and a printable quality of at least 300 dpi.
How to Submit:  
  • Use this form: Photo Submission form  and include a  caption for each photograph, describing who, what, and where 
When to Submit: 
  • Submissions are due by Aug 15, 2018.
For any additional questions, contact Brittany Burch.