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Success! 2024 Fall Communications Camp in Spokane, WA

Over 15 attendees gathered in Spokane, WA to learn about how agencies around the Northwest are educating the next generation on the importance of water. Presentation included:

  • Engaging the Community with the RiverHealth Stewardship Grant Program - Gail Shaloum and Todd Loggan, Clackamas Water Environment Services With limited staff allocated to watershed restoration and watershed health education, Clackamas Water Environment Services relies on partners to round out our restoration and education work. We use a competitive grant program to select the partners and projects each year. Through the RiverHealth Stewardship Program, WES has been able to involve the community in improving watershed health, educating students and the community, while also satisfying our stormwater permit requirements. Learn how we developed the grant program and how it has progressed in its ten years.
  • Clean Water University - Loralyn Spiro, City of Springfield & Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission; PNCWA Communication & Outreach Committee Chair the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission and the City of Springfield, along with the City of Eugene and support from other community partners, offer the Clean Water University program to Eugene-Springfield area 5th grade classes, free of charge. Traditionally held in person in the fall at the MWMC’s Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, Clean Water University provides an opportunity to learn about wastewater, stormwater, and drinking water. The program’s overarching goal is to teach students about the importance of clean water.
  • No Child Left Inside – Spokane County’s Water Education Program - Laura Goff and RaeAnn Nolander, Spokane County Public Works Join Spokane County Water Resource Educators to learn about the Wetland Explorers curriculum and field experience that hosted over 1700 5th graders over 6 weeks at the newly restored Saltese Wetlands and Doris Morrison Learning Center. The program immersed students and teachers in genuine field science at, and in, the wetland to learn about water quality, the value of a managed wetland habitat and the beneficial role that wetlands play in our ecosystem and community. This is the outdoor learning component of our water education efforts in Spokane County.
  • Water Wise Spokane: Driving Conservation through Strategic Communication and Community Engagement - Kristen Zimmer, City of Spokane Explore the Water Wise Spokane program’s approach to water conservation, focusing on how strategic communication has influenced resident behavior and fostered community involvement. Highlights include partnerships with local agencies, such as working with the Spokane Fire Department to enhance water efficiency in public facilities and promoting the successful SpokaneScape program to encourage sustainable landscaping practices. This presentation will provide actionable ideas, enhanced by social marketing strategies, to strengthen your outreach and drive real impact.

The camp also included a Tour of Spokane County’s Water Reclamation Facility by host Hannah Thomascall, Spokane County Public Works – The content for the general public tour of Spokane County’s Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) will be presented to the tour group. Verbal explanations, graphics, and physical samples will describe the processes used at the treatment plant to communicate how each process treats wastewater. Proceeds from the Communications Camp go toward PNCWA’s Adopt-a-School grant program, managed by the Communication and Outreach Committee. This program funds K-12 educational projects focused on water and the environment.

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Fall Communications Camp, October 24 in Spokane, WA

Save the Date!

The 2024 Fall Communications Camp is happening from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm on Thursday, October 24 in Spokane, WA. A big thanks to Spokane County for graciously being our host at their Water Resource Center at 1004 N Freya St in Spokane. Learn more about their Water Resource Center here.

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Registration Open 2023 PNCWA Fall Communications Camp!

Engaging Your Community in Your Agency’s Water Story

Registration Open for 2023 PNCWA Fall Communications Camp Engaging Your Community in Your Agency’s Water Story

Location: City of Bend’s Kerri Training Facility, 22395 McGrath Rd

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Save the Date!

Fall Communications Camp, October 26 in Bend, Oregon

2023 Fall Communications Camp is happening 8:00 am to 4:30 pm on Thursday, October 26 in Bend, Oregon. A big thanks to the City of Bend for graciously hosting at their Kerri Training Facility, 22395 McGarth Rd.  The Camp will include a tour of the City of Bend’s Water Reclamation Facility and presentations by staff from the cities of Bend, Boise, and Prineville plus others. More details including the full agenda and registration details will be published in early August. This event will provide 0.625 CEUs, pending approval. The Communications Camp is a one-day specialty conference focused on how to communicate about water, strengthen communications skills, and effectively tools of the trade. Proceeds from the Communications Camp go towards PNCWA’s Adopt-a-School grant program, managed by the Communications and Outreach Committee, which funds K-12 educational projects focused on water and the environment.

Stockholm Junior Water Prize - PNCWA Communication and Outreach Committee

Prepared by Catherine Chertudi

The Stockholm Junior Water Prize (SJWP) is the world's most prestigious award presented to a high school student for a water-research project. The Water Environment Federation (WEF) has coordinated the U.S. competition since its inception in 1997, and partners closely with Member Associations (MAs) to execute the program. 

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Communications and Outreach Committee Update

On October 27, 2022, the Communications and Outreach Committee held its annual communications camp in Tigard, Oregon. The camp is a one-day specialty conference focused on communications skills. This year’s event was a big success, with 19 people in attendance and a mix of virtual and in-person presenters.

Presentations included these:

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Apply Now for Adopt-A-School Funding

Do you know educators or students who are working toward water science and career-connected education goals? The Adopt-A-School program was established to support stormwater and wastewater education, involvement, and restoration activities by K-12th grade students in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. The average project funding level is $500 per application, and funding supports field learning activities, lab equipment, native plants, and more. If you’re a teacher, school, or school district, you can apply!

PNCWA is now accepting applications through January 14, 2023. Learn more and apply at

Get the Word Out on Adopt-a-School


Share this image and message on Facebook or Instagram. Help us increase our reach by tagging a teacher or your kids’ schools.

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Another Successful Communications Camp

Comms Camp 2021

On October 28, 2021, the Communications and Outreach Committee held its annual communications camp, a one-day specialty conference focused on communications skills, in Springfield, Oregon. This year’s event was a big success, with 13 campers in attendance and a mix of virtual and in-person presenters. Proceeds from the camp help fund PNCWA’s Adopt-a-School grant program.

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Adopt-a-School Program


We are now accepting applications for the 2022 Adopt-a-School grant program! Grants fund K-12 educational projects focused on water and the environment. In the past, this program has funded field trips, sampling kits, garden boxes, stream cleanups, laboratory equipment, and even rubber boots. The average grant award is $500, and the only requirement is that the students involved tour a local treatment facility or watch a presentation from a water professional. Visit here for more information and the online application. Applications are due January 14, 2022. If you know an educator, please share this program info with them. It’s a chance to get tomorrow’s water professionals engaged today.

2021 Communication Camp

No matter what our daily work looks like as water professionals, clear and effective communication makes us better at getting that work done. The Communications and Outreach Committee’s annual Communications Camp focuses on precisely that. A one-day workshop focused on building skills and sharing knowledge about effective communications strategies, the camp will be held on October 28, 2021 in Springfield, Oregon.

This year, the camp features presentations on crisis communications, virtual outreach, engaging public speaking, and project management. We’ll also tour Springfield’s Mill Race Stormwater Facility. While the event will be solely in person, in 2022, we plan to offer an online version of the event as well.

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Save the Date for the Communications Camp

The Communications Camp is returning October 28, 2021 in Springfield, Oregon! All water professionals need to communicate effectively whether presenting at a public meeting, calling a customer to answer their questions, emailing a design project team, or talking with a coworker at a treatment facility. No matter what our work looks like, clear and effective communication makes us better at getting that work done. That’s why PNCWA’s Communication and Outreach Committee puts on its annual Communications Camp, a one-day workshop focused on building skills and sharing knowledge about effective communications strategies.

In past years, the Camp has featured speakers and demonstrations with a wide range of specialties, from graphic design to writing an RFP. This year, we’re featuring presentations on crisis communications, virtual outreach, engaging public speaking, and project management. We’ll also feature a tour of Springfield’s Mill Race Stormwater Facility. Our focus is maximizing interactivity at the Camp and we’ve designed opportunities to practice your communications skills and network with industry peers regardless of your career level.

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Communications Camp 2018 is Nov. 8

8:00-8:30: Registration

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Adopt-A-School Grant Cycle is Open

Adopt-A-School Grant Applications Being Accepted

The Adopt-A-School program was established to support water science education, involvement and restoration activities by 4th-12th grade students in Oregon, Washington and Idaho who are working toward clean water education goals. The average project funding level is $500 per application/applicant, and will vary depending on the number of applicants and funding level request.Who should apply? Teachers, Schools, School Districts!

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PNCWA Adopt-a-School Grant Program 2017 Annual Report

The Adopt-a-School grant program provided water education opportunities for 1,567 students in 16 schools throughout Oregon, Washington and Idaho. A total of $6,500 was awarded as follows

Clackamas Web Academy

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Applications for 2018 Adopt-a-School Program Are Open!

PNCWA's Adopt-a-School Grant, organized by the Communications & Outreach committee, supports water science education, involvement and restoration activities by 4th–12th grade students in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho who are working toward clean water education goals.

These grants have let students in Olympia learn about plankton aboard a 103-year-old sailing ship, high schoolers from Eugene visit wetlands and wastewater treatment plants, and biology students in Salem test wastewater in the classroom, among other projects. (Read more about 2016 Adopt-a-School grantees in our annual report.)

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Five Reasons to “Camp” with Us at the May 11 Public Communications Camp

Join us at the May 11 Public Communications Camp: Tools to Engage, Motivate, and Reassure Your Community to gain valuable outreach and communication skills. Whether you are a project manager, engineer, treatment plant operator or public outreach professional, these easy-to-adopt tips will build trust and credibility with stakeholders to meet your organization’s goals.

1. You can gain tried and true outreach skills from your industry peers.
We’ve assembled a great team of communications professionals who have been in your shoes and know what they’re doing. We’ve got more than 25 years’ worth of tried-and-true outreach campaign planning and execution in the water, wastewater and environmental fields. Our experts range from  public and private sector marketing and community relations managers to digital media and school-education programming experts. They’ll show you how to connect with your core audience, evaluate your efforts and sustain momentum no matter the size is of your budget.

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