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2020 PNCWA InFLOW Application

In 2019, the Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association (PNCWA) launched a program called InFLOW (Introducing Future Leaders to Opportunities in Water): an initiative that strives to identify promising students and young professionals from underrepresented groups who are interested in careers in the water industry. 

In 2020, this initiative continues to identify and introduce these students and young professionals to careers in the water industry. Building off the successes and the lessons learned from the first year of the program, PNCWA is continuing in its mission to change the face of the water industry and help build a more diverse and inclusive world. The program will engage these underrepresented groups in the form of a sponsorship to attend the PNCWA 2020 Annual Conference, taking place in Spokane, Washington, September 13-16, 2020. 

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PNCWA Info Session & Resume Building Workshop at Portland State University

Students & Young Professionals Committee (SYPC) Resume Building Workshop Feb 11

Come join our Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association (PNCWA) Students & Young Professionals Committee (SYPC) for a Resume Building Workshop on Monday, February 11 at Hot Lips Pizza-PSU! We will provide an introduction to PNCWA, followed by a Resume-Building 101 presentation, and we will finish with time for students to work with water industry professionals on their individual resumes. With the PSU Career Fair coming up on February 13, this is your chance to network with professionals in the water industry and get some last-minute help with your resume. Oh, and there will also be pizza!

What: PNCWA Info Session & Resume Building Workshop
Where: Hot Lips Pizza on PSU Campus (1909 SW 6th Ave, Portland, OR)
When: Monday, February 11 from 4:00pm-6:00pm

Water Week Events


National Water Policy Fly-In

April 17 - 18, 2018
Washington, DC

As the Trump Administration and Congress turn their collective focus towards infrastructure investment, it is crucial that policy makers hear directly from YOU about the challenges your utility, agency and community face; and that sound policy and robust investment in water are critical for all Americans right now. The issues of infrastructure funding, affordability, regulatory reform, and research support will be front-and-center in 2018, and utilities nationwide must make their voices heard on these critical priorities.

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PNCWA Reception at WEFTEC 2017