PNCWA2022 Conference Update


Things are heating up in our conference planning committee corner, and we’re excited to share some updates with you.

We want to start by thanking everyone who submitted an abstract for PNCWA 2022. We were incredibly impressed by the quality of the submissions we received, and it made it tough to narrow down selections. We also want to thank our members who volunteered to review abstracts this year. We had more than 35 volunteers, and with such a diverse group of members, we were able to provide an equitable and fair review to each submission. The technical program is very strong, and we cannot wait to share it with you soon!

We’re also excited to announce our keynote speaker, Phyllis Brunner. Phyllis has more than 45 years of experience in the water and wastewater industry and is uniquely qualified to lead us in a conversation around personal and professional resiliency inspired by our conference theme, “Be Like Water: Adapting with Purpose.” Over the course of her career as a water professional, business operations manager, and president, Phyllis has seen our industry and our communities face many challenges. She has also seen us come together with collaboration and creativity to overcome these obstacles. Phyllis has been a passionate advocate of resource recovery and sustainability long before they became popular. And currently, as President of the Indian Island Association based in Casco Bay, Maine, Phyllis is working alongside community leaders, governmental agencies, and nonprofit organizations to make responsible, equitable, and environmentally sound investment decisions that will protect coastal communities for generations to come. Learn more about Phyllis here.

We look forward to seeing everyone in Spokane!

Conference Committee Leadership

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