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Operations Training—Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment, Control and Optimization: Sept 4-7 Bend OR
Tuesday, September 04, 2018, 8:00 AM to Friday, September 07, 2018, 5:00 PM MST
Category: Training Events PNCWA Regions and Sections

2.8 CEUs

Eric Wahlberg, Instructor

$250 South Central Oregon Section member
$300 non-South Central Oregon Section member

Online Registration open here
Mail-In Registration:
City of Bend Water Reclamation Facility
22395 McGrath Rd.
Bend OR 97701

Make check payable to SCOS
Lunch will be provided by SCOS each day.
Questions – Mandy Bonahoom 541.323.8534,
[email protected]
Registration closes August 20th

Download flyer

As wastewater treatment moves toward recource recovery, the basics of treatment plants will have primary clarification, activated sludge aeration basins and secondary clarifiers, and anaerobic digestion.  Each of these is comprehensively covered to give attendees the fundamental knowledge they need in fulfilling the operations professional's personal mission statement: To remove pollutants from the incoming water while complying with all permits - water, air, and land - and cover them to recycable biosolids as sustainably and cost effectively as possible.

Contact: Mandy Bonahoom 541.323.8534